Anyone who needs to know how to generate barcode in Delphi application needs look no further. Barcodesoft Encoder is a smart and simple solution to generate linear and two-dimensional barcode in your own Delphi application.
1. Create a new VCL Forms application. Add a TButton and a TMemo.
TMemo is able to display 2D barcode because 2D barcode contains multiple lines of texts.
2. Open DOS prompt. If you are using Windows 10 or Windows 7, please Open DOS prompt as administrator.
Please go to the following folder
CD C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil
Type in the following DOS command to register crUFLbcs.dll
regsvr32 crUFLbcs.dll
3. Click menu Component ==> Import Component, then choose Type Library and click Next button as shown below. Add cruflBCS_TLB in uses section before add code snippet to your button onclick event handler.
Click Add button and choose cruflbcs.dll from C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil folder. Or C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\Barcodesoft\FontUtil folder on 64-bit systems.