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Keywords: SEMI G83, USS 39, USS 128
SEMI G83 standard specifies barcode marking on product packages. It is approved by the Global Assembly & Packaging Committee.
Barcodesoft SEMI-G83 software allows user to choose between USS-39 and USS-128 encoding symbology.
User can modify settings of SEMI-G83 label.
The wide narrow ratio is set to be 2.5
User can export the SEMI-G83 barcode label in different format: PNG, JPeg, BMP, and SVG.
By default, the export folder is C:\Users\{UserName}\AppData. User can change it to whatever folder with writing permission.
When user has lots of data to encode, please copy all codes and paste to the textbox. One code per line. The software will generate a label for each line of code automatically.
The default settings of Barcodesoft SEMI-G83 barcode software are listed below:
Data field length
Data field height
Bar code height
HRI character height
Space between bar code and HRI
42 mm
15 mm
8 mm
1 mm
3 mm
If you download the demo version, SEMI-G83 barcode will show demo watermark.
After you get a valid license, demo watermark will be gone.